On a sunny Wednesday morning the senior’s went in a bus to Motat to learn about the world war 1 and 2 even the morse code.
When we got there we had morning tea and our educator Katherine had to talk to us about the rules and she said to don’t touch the old stuff.Then we got into our groups and I was with Mrs Pomee and in her group was Hemi,Sam,Maara,Linda kiki,Chris and George Niko.
Then we just had 5 minutes and then we will go to the tram ride so we went to the challenge zone then we went to the tram ride and there was heaps of big white goose even pukekos and there was a black goose on the middle of the track and the goose didn't move but when we got near the goose it flew away.
Meanwhile then our educator Katherine took us to a room and we talked about the Morse Code,world war 1 and 2 and the Pigeons.When she finished talking we walked a round we saw a real medal.After we finished walking around it was lunch time.
Then finally we had to pack up and got our bags and walked to the gate and then our bus arrived then we went back to school and I wished that we can go back to Motat because all of us had fun in the trip.
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