
Monday, 21 May 2018

Explain what I've learnt about how all living things do Mrs Gren

Movement-Every every living thing can move
Respiration- every living things turn food into energy
Sensitivity-Everything notices changes in the environment around them

Growth-some living things can grow like flowers and more
Reproduction- living things can make babies like animals and humans
Excretion-Living things have babies in different ways like wolfs have cubs and chickens lay eggs
Nutrition-Living things need to eat to live and grow

Every living thing can do these stuff and some living thing can't do these stuff


Nicola Wells said...

Hi Fineasi, thanks for sharing your great poster and also for explaining MRS GREN in your own words :) One thing that needs to be made really clear at the bottom is that ALL living things can do ALL of these things - and if something doesn't do even one of these things then they're NOT a living thing.

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